Google’s ‘customer match’ now lets you keep emails indefinitely [@SmartInsights Alert]

Customer match lists will nolonger expire after 180 days

Importance: (For Advertisers)

May 2016 update: Customer match lists will no longer expire 
Recommended Source:
Marketing Land


Google has now announced a change of policy which means customer match lists will no longer expire after a maximum of 180 days, as they used to. Now any contacts set to expire at the maximum 180 days will automatically be switched over onto the no expiration setting. But you'll have to switch over contacts you want to keep indefinitely if they originally had been set to expire after less than 180 days.

This will let advertisers retarget customers seasonally, serve campaigns for reorders beyond 180 days and run other targeting strategies over a longer timescale than previously possible.

Original alert: Advertisers will be able to upload email lists to Adwords to target them with ads on search, Gmail and YouTube
Recommended Source: Marketing Land


Following in the footsteps of Facebook and Twitter, Google has announced a new product ‘Customer Match’ which allows advertisers upload their email lists into Adwords. This much anticipated feature will allow marketers to take their targeting campaign on Ads words up a gear, as they could run different campaigns to target the email lists of their existing customers and prospects.

Google turns on email lists

This is the first time Google has allowed advertisers to target ads by customer owned data in Adwords. It is possibly they originally were slow to develop this feature because of concerns over user privacy, but decided to go ahead because of the success that Facebook and Twitter had experienced in allowing CRM uploads and targeting.

Email lists


Isn’t this the same as re-targeting?

Advertisers have already been able to serve ads and promoted search to previous site visitors and customers using retargeting lists in Google Analytics. This is works by using tracking cookies, which can be blocked or deleted by users. Cookies also don’t work on mobile, which is a big disadvantage given that over half of web traffic now comes from mobile.

Being able to upload email lists therefore offers a significant advantage over using cookies for retargeting, especially for mobile ads. However they are not mutually exclusive and it may well be worth running re-targeting ads based on cookies and running ads to an email list of prospective customers . There is no limit on how many different lists you can upload, so in theory you could segment your email lists and run different campaigns to different email lists based on certain characteristics you know about the audience from your own data collection. This could allow excellent levels of personalisation.

Similar audiences

Google hasn’t just built a way for advertisers to target their existing email lists, it has gone a step further. Google will expand its ‘similar audiences’ tool, which currently exists for retargeting lists on the Google display network. At current it builds lists of users based on their browsing actively on sites in the display network and finds users with shared interests and characteristics. With this new expansion it will also allow for the creation of these lists based on the activity of CRM audiences. This is a powerful way to leverage the power of your existing email list, and could be a good alternative to buying email lists for many marketing departments. The opportunities for highly targetedadvertising that offers good ROI are endless.

Although these changes are not yet currently live, they will be available around the world over the next few weeks.

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About Jasonwyattpro

I make it my business to be aware of the latest developments in my field as a Pro Internet Marketer / Blogger / Social Media Expert, and Consultant. I'm looking to help people reach financial freedom, enjoy life to the fullest, spend time with the people that matter most to you and still make much money while doing it. Help a regular person to become leaders and improve themselves


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