Automated Merchandising – Why you’d be mad not to!

Jakob Bignert examines the spectre of automated merchandising and tries to reassure us that there is nothing to worry about – no seriously, you’ll be fine!

Since the industrial revolution, automation in the workplace has been met with extreme reactions. As a business owner you would rub your hands in glee as you realised you could punch out more widgets, more quickly while employing fewer people.

However, if fate had dealt you a different hand, you’d be quaking in your boots as you realised your widget making skills were no longer required and unemployment beckoned.

Retail automation

Retail, though, has seen remarkably few significant step changes when it comes to automation. And understandably; buy products, display them attractively, take the money, count it, bank it and repeat. OK, an oversimplification I grant you, but you get the point.

There are some though:

  • Cash registers and subsequent EPOS systems have removed the need for a counting house and in store bookkeepers.
  • Automated warehouses, such as Benetton’s, allowed robots to pick and pack.
  • Self-serve tills have reduced the need to have checkout staff.
  • The internet – enough said!

A dystopian future?

During October last year Gartner published a number of predictions for the following twenty-four months that, on the face of it, signalled a distinctly dystopian future. These included, inter alia, the predictions that by 2018:

  • 20 percent of business content will be authored by machines;
  • Over 3 million workers globally will be supervised by a “robo-boss”;
  • 2 million employees will be required to wear health and fitness tracking devices as a condition of employment.

So if you are in middle management, or you’re a copywriter – is the writing on the wall?

Not really. The reality is the technologies that feed these predictions are really just taking the grunt work out of the job and adding levels of safety:

  • Automated composition machines will produce analytical information in written natural language, which is potentially useful for shareholder reports and budgets. This frees up writers to focus on the creative stuff. Fun.
  • The “robo-boss” will be a glorified clocking in system that deals with ‘bulk’ management tasks requiring little in the way of personal intervention.
  • The health trackers will tell us that an airline pilot is about to have a stroke, or a military recruit is being pushed too far, they will save lives.

The eCommerce merchandising challenge

Merchandising is the selection, placement and presentation of products that makes best use of the space available – you will consider profitability, inventory, brand promotions and current marketing campaigns.

When you rely solely on bricks and mortar, merchandising is constrained by the amount of space available to display product. Visual merchandisers work their magic to make displays attractive and commercial, but depending on the depth of the product range, something has to take a back seat and languish in the stock room.

In order to display more products, you can produce a catalogue that dramatically expands the number of products on offer.

But the position with an eCommerce site is interestingly paradoxical: On the one hand the ability to display an endless number of products is only constrained by the capacity of your database – millions. On the other hand a shopper can only view one screen at a time. You cannot flick through a website in the same way you can flick through a catalogue, so what comes up on screen needs to be highly relevant.

With endless possibilities, the online merchandiser can never really optimise, they can only overexpose or underexpose, never really knowing when to start pushing some products and when to pull back. Not because they are not skilled, but because there are just too many permutations.

Merchandising - a new reality

For retailers with large product ranges it is physically impossible to manually merchandise every product and line.

The dynamic nature of websites means a home page, or the shop window, can vary according to who is visiting and where they come from. Furthermore most website visitors do not arrive at the front door – how do you prioritise?

The answer is by automating the process. Or rather by automating a large proportion of the product exposure process. This makes the retailer less dependent on individuals with finite capabilities.

Rather than using disparate data sources and old analytics, the machine works on live data and adjusts the site in real time. Automated merchandising steers away from static segmentation – rather than putting visitors in labeled boxes it changes itself according to the visitors actions.

If you do a search for ‘online merchandiser jobs’, you will find job sites with between 400 and 2700 vacancies in the UK alone. Clearly there is a lot of work not being done, clearly there are too few people available to do too much work and clearly it is time to automate.

But online merchandisers will not need to seek new employment; rather they will be freed up to do the creative stuff, to deal with the merchandising anomalies that even a sophisticated algorithm cannot tackle.

What’s in it for me?

There are several reasons why as an owner of a large ecommerce site you should consider automating your online merchandising:

  • Save time and time is money
  • Increased revenue
  • Expose more products to more people
  • More productive staff
  • Reduce down selling.

With benefits like that, you’d be mad not to!

from Smart Insights
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About Jasonwyattpro

I make it my business to be aware of the latest developments in my field as a Pro Internet Marketer / Blogger / Social Media Expert, and Consultant. I'm looking to help people reach financial freedom, enjoy life to the fullest, spend time with the people that matter most to you and still make much money while doing it. Help a regular person to become leaders and improve themselves


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